GLOG Class: The Ghost

We're continuing our class list for our sci-fi super soldier GLOG hack! (Check out the Juggernaut, our last class here ). As a reminder, our hack (working title is GLOSS ) is based on incredibly powerful futuristic soldiers (think Halo, Mass Effect, Gears of War, etc). Not quite mech, not quite Iron Man, not quite WH40k, but somewhere in that big Venn diagram. Here's a stealth-focused scout type: the Ghost . Ghost: Stealth and Reconnaissance You're a terrifying specter of silence, able to move among your enemies with ease. Your ability to flow through shadow and track your prey borders on the supernatural. Predator Starting skill (roll 1d12) Hunter Marshal Survivalist Butcher Spy Professional dancer Escaped convict Farmer Urban alley-rat Builder Smuggler Wildlife photographer Default augment* Spend 1 Power Cell to use Active Camouflage and become essentially invisible for 1 round per [level]. *Note: augments are basically short-term super powers that cost a Power Cell, l...